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Jawbone Loss & Deteriation

Jawbone loss and deterioration can significantly impact oral health and overall well-being. Dr. Kayali, an experienced dentist, recognizes the importance of addressing these issues promptly. Let’s explore the causes and consequences:

Common Causes of Jawbone Loss

Tooth Extractions: When a tooth is removed, the surrounding bone may no longer receive stimulation, leading to gradual deterioration.


Dentures and Bridgework: Unanchored dentures can exert abnormal pressure on the underlying alveolar bone, causing resorption and weakening.


Traumas: Accidents, fractures, or injuries disrupt blood circulation, slowing down bone nutrition and contributing to jawbone loss.


Misalignment: Improper bite alignment can affect bone health over time.

Osteomyelitis: Bone infection reduces oxygen-rich blood supply to the jawbone, leading to deterioration.


Tumors: Tumors can spread through the jaw and impact tissue growth.

Developmental Deformities: Congenital or acquired jaw abnormalities affect bone structure.


Sinus Deficiency: Insufficient bone height in the upper jaw due to sinus expansion can lead to bone loss.

Effects of Jawbone Loss

Chewing Difficulty: Weakened jawbone affects bite function.

Facial Changes: Bone loss alters facial contours and lip support.


Speech Challenges: Jawbone deterioration may impact speech.


Tooth Mobility: Loosening of natural teeth.


Aesthetic Concerns: Lips sinking inward, wrinkles around the mouth.


Headaches and Dizziness: Discomfort due to bone resorption.


Hearing Issues: Hearing loss or ringing in the ears.


Dr. Kayali emphasizes early detection and personalized therapies to preserve jawbone health. If you experience any symptoms or suspect jawbone loss, seek professional evaluation promptly.

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