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Sinus Lift Surgery

Creating Space for Dental Implants

Sinus lift surgery, also known as sinus augmentation or sinus graft, is a specialized dental procedure essential for patients with insufficient upper jawbone height to securely anchor dental implants. Dr. M. Ihsan Kayali performs this technique to reinforce the bone structure, ensuring a stable foundation for implants.

Why Is Sinus Lift Important?

Sinus lift surgery is crucial because the maxillary sinuses, located above the upper jaw, can limit the available bone for implant placement. The procedure involves lifting the sinus membrane and adding bone graft material to create more room for dental implants, which is essential for implant stability. Without adequate bone support, dental implants may fail to anchor properly, but sinus lift surgery provides the necessary foundation for secure and long-lasting implant placement.

Causes of Jawbone Insufficiency

Jawbone insufficiency can result from tooth extractions, as bone loss often follows tooth removal. Additionally, some individuals naturally have large sinus cavities or thin jawbones, and periodontal disease can lead to bone deterioration. Treatments or tumors related to cancer may also affect bone health.

The Sinus Lift Procedure

Preparation for a sinus lift includes imaging studies, such as X-rays or CT scans, to assess jawbone health and sinus anatomy. If insufficient bone height is detected, sinus lift surgery is recommended. During the surgical technique, Dr. Kayali carefully lifts the sinus membrane, and bone graft material, either harvested or synthetic, is placed in the created space. Over time, the graft integrates with the existing bone, creating a solid foundation. Healing typically takes about six months, after which dental implants can be securely placed.

Dr. Kayali’s expertise ensures successful sinus lift surgeries, providing patients with the opportunity for stable and functional dental implants. If you’re considering dental implants, discuss sinus lift surgery with Dr. Kayali to achieve the best results. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

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